Sunday, October 16, 2011

RMOC Chatfield 2011

Results May 7, 2011

Orienteer race 2:03:13 [3] 7.1 mi (17:21 / mi) +1215ft 14:56 / mi
shoes: 1st Pair - Saucony Guide 2
Red, completely boggled the 1st control by attacking from the wrong bend in the trail. Nothing else quite as bad but there were a distractions and bad route choices in there especially in the last part when I was tired. This time I picked straighter routes and ran less extra distance to stick to trails than I would have last year.

Start-1: My worst control, attacked from the wrong trail bend and went all the way up to the bridge to recover.

1-2: I was a bit thrown after #1 and was slow. I had a few moments of panic wandering through the pricker bushes when I didn't immediately see it.

2-3: I'm happy with it. Fitness was the limiter here. Looks like I was drifting left in my bearing though.

3-4: Happy with navigation, not fitness.

4-5: I had to back track a little after crossing the creek.

5-6: Grumpy at myself for wandering into the fight too far north and without a careful bearing. Had to backtrack and then key off the nick in the opposite side of the streambed. I feel like I did the same thing last year.

6-7: Happy with it. Maybe I could have run faster and cut some climb out by going around rather than over the large knoll but I could see it from the top of the knoll, so I'll stand by my route.

7-8: Happy with it. I tried to sneak around the people searching in the wrong reentrant but they all saw me and followed me to it.

8-9: ok...

9-10: Happy with it.

10-11: Found the control easily enough but my route choice left something to be desired. Followed the indistinct barely there trail along the lake that took me up and down and up and down. I should have stayed farther from the lake. I really started to get tired after this one.

11-12: I was sooooo close to it. I was in the right depression but I didn't go quite far enough south and then I got distracted by people searching too far north. Arg! I have to get better at ignoring other people out there even if I think they are better than me.

12-13: I was tired. Crossed the stream, missed the southern streamlet that I was planning to follow so I continued up the stream for a bit to confirm where I was along the stream and then waded into the fight right to it.

13-14: Route choice... Crossed the stream at a too deep place and swam and got my map all wet (borrowed Tom's to scan since mine is not very legible). Got stuck in some fight on the other side and tried but failed to get across to the trail closer to the lake. Ended up running north on the trail all the way to the road. And I over shot the control. I'm not sure quite what the ideal route choice would have been here. Probably cutting across the marsh...

14-15: I was really feeling tired but I went straight to the control

15-16: Straight to it.

16-finish: Straight to it.

I'm kind of embarrassed by my last place. At least I finished and wasn't last by a lot. I'll like ski-o better until I gain some sort of sense of direction and distance.

I think my strategy of backtracking when I screw up works better than my last year strategy of wandering in circles. 5 and 6 would have turned into nightmares if I hadn't backtracked as soon as I realized I wasn't sure I was going in exactly the right direction.

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