Monday, October 3, 2011

Fall Series #1 2011

Results October 2, 2011

I love the Pikes Peak Road Runners' Fall Series. The race director is crazy in the best of ways.

My race didn't go quite the way I had hoped this year, but it happens. I have 3 more races to move up a few positions. The first section was was 2 miles on flat nontechnical trail (13:20ish, about what I wanted but probably too fast for what I felt on that day and my lack of higher intensity training), then 0.8mi in Monument Creek, then another 0.8 miles with a couple short steep climbs in wet shoes to the finish. I bear crawled both of them.

Fighting my way through the creek in the middle of a bunch of guys.

Things fell apart a bit when I started dry heaving right after I got into the creek. It really took me by surprise and required several minutes of walking to keep things under control. The Stomach was still felt pretty iffy after I got out of the creek so I didn't run down as many people as I was hoping to. Someone told me I looked deathly pale afterward. Knee felt fine. Legs felt pretty good. Breathing was heavier than I thought it should be for the effort level. Stomach was ridiculous... Its not unusual for the Stomach to be my limiting factor, but that is usually closer to the end. I can't for the life of me figure out what it will tolerate.  I was 5th woman into the creek (but only about 20sec behind 1st), 13th woman out, and 10th at the finish from my count. Placed very slightly higher than last year, but I thought I could move up more. I've been flirting with a cold for the past week, so its time to rest and recover.

93/278OA 10/146F 2/25 F25-29 3.67mi +446ft climb, 32:59

Briefly out of the creek into squishy sand.

Photo: Tim Bergsten, PikesPeakSports.US

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