Sunday, October 16, 2011

Three Race Weekend #1

Results February 5, 2011 Ski Orienteering
Results February 6, 2011 10k Skate
Results February 6, 2011 7k Snowshoe

Orienteer race (skate ski) 1:53:00 [4] 11.04 mi (10:14 / mi) +1119ft 
Ski-O!! One larger and one smaller navigational oops. Started late, crummy drive and couldn't avoid 70 this time. Ski conditions were awesome. All 20 controls. I think my planned route choice was good. Plans changed when I forgot to turn and ended up at a different control than the one I thought I was headed to (small mistake, replanned route on the fly and it didn't add much extra distance at all in the end) or turned at the wrong place (bigger mistake, headed to the finish instead around the northwest loop counterclockwise to get the last 3 controls, so did the loop in the direction with the steeper uphill and did part of the loop twice; I also stood around confused looking at my map for an extended period of time wondering "How on earth did I manage to do that?").

 Frisco Gold Rush 10k Skate

XC Ski race (skate) 50:03 [4] 6.2 mi (8:04 / mi)
Racing is hard when you start off exhausted and half bonked. My legs started shaking 2k in... a 50min 10k is really really slow. Crowded course, definitely fun. I think the only food I had between Ski-O at Devil's Thumb and my two races this morning were a bottle of orange juice, 3 bottles of water, a banana, 2 chicken tenders, and possibly a few gummy bears and goldfish. Not sure where my appetite was but it wasn't where it needed to be. So yeah, started out half bonked already. Succeeded in completely exhausting myself which was my goal for the weekend. 
Frisco Gold Rush 7k Snowshoe
Snowshoe race 59:59 [3] 4.39 mi (13:40 / mi)
7k snowshoe race after the 10k ski race. I'm pretty sure it was actually less than 7k. I noticed all the racing snowshoes that most people had. I ordered some as soon as I got home. The start was a little weird since we were funneled onto single track after 10 ft. I got caught behind a group of walkers for the first 1.5mi... if I had really wanted to I'm sure I could have gotten around them sooner but legs were unsure whether they wanted to make the effort. I finally got around them and was able to run all but the steep uphills. I caught up to another group that walked the uphills and ran the rest. Again, probably could have gotten around them but never bothered to. Stopped twice to tighten my right snowshoe, it kept coming loose and my foot would start to pull out on steep uphills. Totally exhausted now. Good, that was the point.

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