Sunday, October 16, 2011

RMOC Eldora Ski-O 2011

Results January 8, 2011 

XC Ski race 1:35:30 [3] 7.0 mi (13:39 / mi) +1000ft 
My first Ski-O :-) I kept the pace easy so I didn't do anything stupid like go up any more hills than I had to. Can't wait for the next one!

It took me a few controls to get used to how everything was mapped but I still made little navigational errors throughout. I was never lost, but I often took longer than planned routes due to missed intersections and wrong turns. I spent more time stopped looking at the map than I care to admit. Control #1 was mislabeled but I knew it was in the right spot. I took an off trail shortcut slide down a hill to #2. I accidentally punched #13 on my way to #3. My route to #4 took me up a steep hill that was too narrow to skate up with any amount of glide even with my shorty skis. I got my tips stuck in the snowbank at the edge and fell on my face more than once (only on uphills). I think it would have been faster to skate the long way around. I think I started to get the hang of the map after #5. I added an extra 200-300m on the way to #9. #10 involved more narrow uphill and it may have been faster to skate on a longer route. I accidentally went the long way around a loop to get to #12 and I stopped at a 5-way intersection on the way to #14 partly because I was confused and its awkward not being able to keep my map oriented and partly because it involved going up a decent hill. I blew by my turn for the last control. It doesn't seem to be unusual for me to mess up the last control.

Next time: Less time stopped, ski faster when I'm moving.

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