7.5mi-ish @Palmer Park (very hilly/rocky)
Series Results
Definitely not the race I was hoping for, but confirms what I already know. No more running races in 2011 except the Turkey Trot (which isn't really a race). Possible some xc ski or snowshoe races, but I need a break from the running. My training runs have been faster than my races lately. And I need to do some serious strength work and stretching focusing on my left IT Band. I'm not sure if it was a calorie shortage (I did have a few bites of oatmeal and some coffee 3 hours before) or what but I felt weak the whole way and dizzy and lightheaded for the second half and I really wasn't running very fast. I hiked up most of the hills and people I usually finish ahead of beat me by 10min in some cases.
Credit: Jon Cornick |
I think this is my favorite Fall Series race. Up and down and up and down; rocks, sand, stairs, roots. You have it all. The uphills are of varying length and steepness so that they aren't totally evil like the BFNH at Bear Creek or High Drive. The downhills are technical enough that not many people can fly down.
Photo: Jon Cornick (Nicely let him beat me by enough so he could get my picture ^_^) |
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